However, it is very important for the interviewer to remain impartial throughout they should not display emotions such as anger, shock, disgust or disbelief. This is because it would hinder them in their job as their aim is to get to the truth, and if the interviewer was to show their true feelings most likely of disgust this would put the suspect on the defensive so they would not tell the interviewer anything. The truth could be gained through sympathising with the suspect so that they believe that their state of mind is understood by the interviewer. If the rapport with the suspect is strong enough they may begin to believe that the interviewer would have acted in the same way and that they are not alone in their anti social behaviour
The place where forensic psychology information is revealed. Whether you are new to forensic psychology, currently studying or thinking about studying forensic psychology, or consider yourself an expert in the field, we hope the material on the forensic psychology blog is interesting and useful.
Who are you? - interviewing techniques
However, it is very important for the interviewer to remain impartial throughout they should not display emotions such as anger, shock, disgust or disbelief. This is because it would hinder them in their job as their aim is to get to the truth, and if the interviewer was to show their true feelings most likely of disgust this would put the suspect on the defensive so they would not tell the interviewer anything. The truth could be gained through sympathising with the suspect so that they believe that their state of mind is understood by the interviewer. If the rapport with the suspect is strong enough they may begin to believe that the interviewer would have acted in the same way and that they are not alone in their anti social behaviour
I'll stand by you - Counselling the police
Dealing with incidents before they have a chance to occur is not that difficult administrators can begin by offering extra training to help officer cope with post-traumatic stress when it occurs. It is also very important that police officers understand that counselling can be very beneficial, or even sharing their feelings with their peers so they can understand that they are not alone in their feelings and that other officers experience them to. Officers also need to learn to refrain from making judgemental comments towards an individual that has suffered a traumatic event. However, this is only a temporary fix for the damage that has been done departments also need to set up a long term form of support this doesn't have to be expensive the problem could be solved by using peer support groups, as the officers are all going through the same things.
Officers need to know they have the support of their administrators as they may already feel unappreciated by the general public. It has been found that seventy percent officers who are involved in a shooting leave their department after five years. This would not happen if the correct counselling was available to them, it only damages the department as they are losing valuable man power as well as losing out financially since they have paid to train the officer. Officers should not be made to feel like they have to deal with the stress alone they should know they have the firm support of their administrators, their peers and their families.
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A Controversy in Forensic Psychology
The Differences in Serial Killers
In the interview, Webley asks intriguing questions about distinguishing the differences between both murder and sexual murder and the differences of murder in fiction television vs. reality. Schlesinger brings up interesting facts about sexual murder that I had no idea about.
For instance, the Long Island murders have been prostitutes. Why? “The main problem that serial sexual murderers have is the act of abduction, getting the woman to go with them. That problem is eliminated with a prostitute because they'll go with anybody” (Schlesinger 1). In addition to the target, the location plays an important role in sexual murder, and murder in general. “So if you're killing in an urban area, it's because you live there and you're familiar with it. If you kill in a rural area, it's because you're familiar and comfortable in that area as well” (Schlesinger 1).
Something I was certainly unaware of was the number one way serial killers get caught. A surviving victim is the number one way a murder is caught. However, a good percent of the time, victims fear going to the police because sometimes, victims are already participating in illegal activities such as prostitution or drugs.
Finally, Schlesinger mentions the difference between the public perception or a serial killer and the reality of one. Ironically, society gives serial killers more credit than they really deserve. “The public wants its serial killers to be evil geniuses, with high IQs, who speak five languages and are connoisseurs of fine wine and literature” (Schlesinger 1). When in reality, most of them have a below average IQ. This is the difference between reality and fiction. We put serial killers on a pedestal of evil perfection, when in truth, anyone reading the news about the Long Island Killer could probably score better than them in a simple IQ test.
Read the full story:
Evaluations and Malingering
A Competence evaluation is designed to see if the accused is competent enough to stand trial. This mean that a forensic psychologist is brought in to make sure that the defendant is able to understand all court proceedings and adequately participate in them when required to do so. They must also be able to consult with their attorney, and have a clear understanding of why they are being charged in the first place. In order to determine competency a psychological evaluation is employed. Such evaluations usually make use of different tools such as question sequences or rating scales. The person being evaluated may also have to submit to a standardized psychological test. Should the accused be deemed incompetent to stand trial they will often be provided with treatment, or even committed to a mental facility in order to restore competence. The court proceedings will be postponed until a time where the accused is capable enough to stand trial.
Read the E-how page on Competency Evaluations
The difference between a Competency evaluation and a Sanity evaluation is that the latter is a test to determine whether or not the defendant was in a stable frame of mind during the time the offense was committed. In order for this type of evaluation to take place, the judge prosecutor or public defender must have reason to believe that the accused was mentally impaired when the crime was committed. The defense attorney may also have their client plead insanity, in which case this type of evaluation will be employed by the court. However the defense can call in its own psychological evaluator. Despite all of this, any decision concerning the defendant’s state of mind when the offense is committed is usually made before the trial begins.
Sanity Evaluation Information at PyschWest
Malingering is the term used to describe a defendant faking mental illness or over exaggerating a pre-existing mental illness. This is done in an attempt to escape punishment for crimes committed, and if proved false can be considered an obstruction of justice, resulting in harsher punishment. Even if Malingering is not suspected it is important for a Forensic Psychologist to always keep this form of deception in mind in order to ensure justice is served. When Malingering is suspected the psychologist is tasked with monitoring the defendant’s behavior in and outside of the courtroom. This is due to the fact that a feigned mental illness is often quite hard to preserve accurately. The psychologist should be able to spot moments when the accused behaves without symptoms and use this to determine whether or not they are truly mentally ill.
EMedicine Article on Malingering
Profiling is the New Sexy
“‘Apparently, it helps (investigators) to have a good pair of sun glasses,’ quipped Elgin Community College associate psychology professor Shawn Mikulay in reference to “CSI: Miami” star David Caruso’s habit on the show of using his shades for dramatic effect” (Danahney 1). This is true. Flip on the television one evening when one of these, inaccurate yet guilty pleasure shows is on (I’ll be the first to admit, I love my Law and Order), and you will see how “sexy” profiling really is.
Brent Turvey, a key speaker with Mikulay, continued on in the seminar to explain the basics of profiling. Learning as much about the victim as possible is the main goal of any investigation. One must, “build a victim’s profile” (Danahney 1). It takes time and patience, but it is the key point in any case. A profiler must check biological information of a victim, their financial status and the major question of, how did they become a victim? What did they do to become involved in this? “ ‘For the viewers, crime shows and movies tend to oversimplify things — show crimes being solved faster than they actually can and to a degree of certainty there often isn’t,’” Turvey said. “‘For professionals, the shows aren’t honest about science. But some play to those roles, which can lead to cutting corners and to being far too certain’” (Danahney 1).
So, why do these shows cut out the middleman and edit the truth with fancy clothes and inner-office romances? Part of it is the media, of course. However, speaking of psychology, I have another theory. As we learned not too long ago, those who go against the “norm” of psychology are considered in need of psychological testing. A farfetched idea as to why shows stray so far from the truth of criminal psychology could be this. My theory is that as a form of media, to make money producers and writers must create shows that relate to viewers. If three shows are preaching the appeal of profiling, how can another make a show that is similar and yet still hold valuable facts about the subject. Who (aside from me and a select group) would watch shows that are so raw? In a way, the media causes these shows to form to fit a typical, “normal” mold. Like I said, call it a farfetched idea, but I find it relevant nevertheless.
Want to read more?
Video Review: More on Offender Profiling
This video mainly deals with criminal profiling; a tool used by investigators to analyze criminals, find patterns in their behavior and potentially even identify them. An In depth analysis of the crime and how it was committed can also be used to determine what sort of mind set the perpetrator was in that compelled them to their actions. The video also talks particularly about profiling serial killers. If done successfully an Offender profile could potentially be used to predict the killer's next victim or actions. Profiling is also utilized when a suspect is in custody. The profile can give clues as to what sort of questions the suspect should be asked and generally how they should be handled. In a homicide case the aspects most focused on are usually: How the homicide was carried out, the type of victim, and how the body was disposed of.
Howard Teten, one of the main experts interviewed in this video, gives a very good description of the process; he says "you have to say to yourself, what kind of a person would do this? What is this person saying? Either to the victim or to the people he expects to find the victim." Teten is one of the more notable Criminal profilers. He became part of the Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico in 1972 under instructor Patrick J. Mullany. Together they came up with a method of analyzing offenders by looking for signs of mental disorders at crime scenes. Their system paved the way for future profiling techniques, programs and more sophisticated tools.
More About Howard Teten
It is interesting to hear how the men interviewed in the video regard this field. Robert Ressler claims that interviewing convicted criminals gives him insight into the mind of other offenders. However despite the knowledge that such interviews grant him, his claim that he "has to leave his psychological baggage outside the interview room" shows that dealing with these criminals can be unnerving, angering, or even disturbing to criminal profilers. Ressler also speaks about the dangers of speaking with these kinds of criminals. He says that because his job is to empathize with these people it is often hard not to get caught up in their point of view. Luckily he claims that he is able to pick up his "psychological baggage" that he must leave behind when conducting an interview. Therefore returning to a state of "equilibrium" and not getting to caught up in the criminal's lies or warped perception of reality. David Canter on the other hand says that interviewing a serial killer is one of the more exciting aspects of a profiler’s career and can be seen as a "scalp on your belt." However he does also say that this is less of a scientific advantage and more of an achievement to a profiler.
The Overview of a Forensic Psychologist
Offender Profiling
This technique was put to the test in the summer of 1973 when a seven year old girl was taken from a Rocky Mountain camping site in Montana. The girl was taken from a tent where she was quickly overpowered so as not to alert her parents who were sleeping nearby, after an extensive search of the surrounding area failed to produce the girl the case was referred to the FBI. Who developed a profile claiming that the offender would most likely be a young, white male who could be classed as a homicidal peeping tom, a sexually motivated killer who mutilated the bodies of his victims after he killed them and most likely took body parts as souvenirs. This profile later led to the arrest and capture of David Meirhofer a local twenty three year old white man who was also a suspect in another homicide. A warrant was issued to search his house whereupon investigators found body parts belonging to both victims which he had taken as souvenirs. Meirhofer was the first serial killer to be arrested using this technique.
Although offender profiling has proven to be successful on many occasions it is regularly criticised by other psychologists. As they pose the question as to whether or not an accurate assupmtion of an individuals personality can be gathered from one isolated aspect of their behaviour. As surely it would take multiple instances for any characteristics to be successfully identified, which poses the question as to whether or not this technique is only relevent for the study of serial offenders.
Forensic Psychology in the Judicial System
A brief review on The Human Predator
Getting a Degree and Career in Forensic Psychology
University of Arizona
University of Virginia
University of Denver
University of Nebraska
University of Illinois
Nova Southeastern University
Florida Institute of Technology
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Michigan State University
Farleigh Dickinson University
These are just a few of the more well know schools that offer Master’s Degree programs that will put you on the right track to becoming a Forensic Psychologist. In particular, most of these colleges offer a “Master of Arts” Degree. This means that the holder has already received a bachelor’s degree and is now a postgraduate. Once completing graduate school and demonstrating an advanced understanding of the skills and concepts taught, this degree may be earned. The difference between this and a Master of Science degree is that the Master of Arts is far less science oriented. Instead it focuses more on humanities. However both degrees put an emphasis on liberal arts and an overall well-rounded education. Because Forensic Psychologists study the human mind and work towards evaluating individuals, it is understandable that such a thorough education is required of them. Getting a degree is only the first step in actually acquiring a job in this exciting field. Once you gained the license and appropriate skills you’ll need to do some job hunting. One of the best places to begin your search is:
Psychology Jobs
This website contains an extensive list of positions that need to be filled. Information about contacting, applying, and scheduling interviews has been made available by the employer, as well as job descriptions.
Simply Hired
Simply Hired is another website with similar information concerning job offers. However this website also allows visitors to create a username and ‘save’ and prospective jobs that the user finds interesting for quick and easy access at a later time.